Baru 2 bulan ini saya bergelut dengan yang namanya INTERNET. Tapi rasanya kok tidak habis-habis ya yang bisa saya pelajari. Awalnya beli modem buat update info2 CPNS. lalu ikut2an invest di BO yang bergerak di TRADING FOREX. trus nemu bisnis affiliate, trus da juga yang sistemnya seperti MLM. O ya, kalau yang sistemnya seperi MLM, saya sangat tidak minat sekali. Karena kita harus dapat member jika ingin mendapatkan hasil. Kalau tidak dapat ya sudah, mati saja....he he. Kembali ke topik awal... Setelah nemu bisnis yang harus dapat member, eh nemu lagi seperti gimana caranya trading sendiri, virtual money, real money, dan banyak lagi yang saya juga bingung mau ngomongnya dari mana.
Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya join di Pay Box. itupun karena diundang kawan saya. Trus saya join saja wong daftar gratis dan malah dapat dollar juga. Katanya uang bisa dicairkan setelah kuota terpenuhi, sektar bulan april 2011 katanya. Trus saya nonton di forum2 diskusi internasional,. Katanya PayBox cuma Scam. Wah, apa lagi tu Scam.... Banyak yang bilang PayBox cuma Web yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Tapi kalau saya ya masih tetep aktif log in terus. Kan tidak bayar sepeserpun. Kita liat ja nanti hasilnya. Ternyata kemarin PayBox menkorfirmasikan bahwa mereka itu manggunakan Virtual Currency. Jadi gimana??? apa bisa jadi uang beneran buat beli nasi kucing di angkringannya pak Mustam??
Itu sekelumit pengalaman saya. Kalau ada yang mau nambah, sangat saya tunggu.... tentu demi bertambahnya ilmu dan pengalaman kita semua.
Manusia adalah makhluk. Manusia hanya bisa berusaha. Yang menentukan adalah Sang Rab, Maha segala-galanya
Rabu, 09 Februari 2011
Kamis, 03 Februari 2011
Teks Narative "Momotaro"
Once upon a time, there lived in Japan a peasant and his wife. They were sad couple because they had no children. They kept praying to their god pleading to give them a child.
While cutting wood by a stream one day, the man saw a large peach floating on the water. He ran to pick it up. His wife was excited because she had never seen such a large peach before. They were about to cut the peach when they heard a voice from inside.
The couples were surprised to do anything. The peach then cracked open, and there was a beautiful baby inside. The couples were very happy, of course. They named the baby Momotaro, which meant ‘peach boy’.
Momotaro grew up to be clever, courage young man. His parents loved him very much.
One day, Momotaro told his parents hat he was going to fight the pirates who always attacked their village. These pirates lived on an island a few kilometers away. Momotaro’s mother packed his food, and his father gave him a sword. Having blessed Momotaro, they sent him off on his journey.
Sailing on his boat, Momotaro met an eagle going in the same direction. They became good friends; soon, both of them arrived on the island of the pirates.
Momotaro drew out the sacred sword his father had given him and began to fight the pirates. The eagle flew over the thieves’ heads, pecking at their eyes. Finally, the pirates were defeated.
Momotaro brought home all the goods that pirates had stolen. His parents were proud of him, and they were overjoyed at his victory and save return.
While cutting wood by a stream one day, the man saw a large peach floating on the water. He ran to pick it up. His wife was excited because she had never seen such a large peach before. They were about to cut the peach when they heard a voice from inside.
The couples were surprised to do anything. The peach then cracked open, and there was a beautiful baby inside. The couples were very happy, of course. They named the baby Momotaro, which meant ‘peach boy’.
Momotaro grew up to be clever, courage young man. His parents loved him very much.
One day, Momotaro told his parents hat he was going to fight the pirates who always attacked their village. These pirates lived on an island a few kilometers away. Momotaro’s mother packed his food, and his father gave him a sword. Having blessed Momotaro, they sent him off on his journey.
Sailing on his boat, Momotaro met an eagle going in the same direction. They became good friends; soon, both of them arrived on the island of the pirates.
Momotaro drew out the sacred sword his father had given him and began to fight the pirates. The eagle flew over the thieves’ heads, pecking at their eyes. Finally, the pirates were defeated.
Momotaro brought home all the goods that pirates had stolen. His parents were proud of him, and they were overjoyed at his victory and save return.
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